Church Family Support Fund

Members of the church family who attend St John’s regularly. Eligibility to be decided case by case.
To support those in need as we care for the church family by being channels of God's love and mercy.
All information shared with the church family support fund committee and any support given will remain strictly confidential between the members of the committee unless requested to be shared with the Vicar/staff team. If there is a safeguarding concern, this will be shared with the Safeguarding Officer.
How to apply
Fill out this application form or there's a paper form available at the Church Reception to find out more, either for yourself or on behalf of someone else, or to request financial help.
How to donate
If you would like to contribute to this fund, please click here. All donors please provide a reference of "Support Fund" with your donation so that the money is set aside in a designated account.
Applications from non-Church family
We want to be generous and gracious, while our priority is to church family. Each application is considered on its own merits.
Applications from non-Church family
We want to be generous and gracious, while our priority is to church family. Each application is considered on its own merits.