
Oct 2017










01 Oct
10:30 Morning Meeting
18:00 Evening Meeting
02 Oct
03 Oct
04 Oct
10:00 Women's Bible Study
05 Oct
06 Oct
07 Oct
08 Oct
10:30 Morning Meeting
18:00 Evening Meeting
09 Oct
10:00 Mummy and Me
14:30 Monday Fellowship
10 Oct
14:00 Women's Bible Study
20:00 Global Cafe
11 Oct
09:45 Life Explored
10:00 Women's Bible Study
19:30 Bereans
19:30 Life Explored
12 Oct
10:30 Women's Bible Study
14:30 Buttercup
13 Oct
19:30 Life Explored
14 Oct
08:30 Awake Prayer Group
15 Oct
10:30 Morning Meeting
18:00 Evening Meeting
16 Oct
10:00 Mummy and Me
14:30 Monday Fellowship
17 Oct
14:00 Women's Bible Study
20:00 Global Cafe
18 Oct
09:45 Life Explored
10:00 Women's Bible Study
19:30 Life Explored
19 Oct
10:30 Women's Bible Study
14:30 Buttercup
20 Oct
19:30 Life Explored
21 Oct
08:30 Awake Prayer Group
22 Oct
10:30 Morning Meeting
18:00 Evening Meeting
23 Oct
10:00 Mummy and Me
14:30 Monday Fellowship
24 Oct
14:00 Women's Bible Study
20:00 Global Cafe
25 Oct
09:45 Life Explored
10:00 Women's Bible Study
19:30 Bereans
19:30 Life Explored
26 Oct
10:30 Women's Bible Study
14:30 Buttercup
27 Oct
19:30 Life Explored
28 Oct
08:30 Awake Prayer Group
Clocks go back
29 Oct
10:30 Morning Meeting
18:00 Evening Meeting
30 Oct
10:00 Mummy and Me
14:30 Monday Fellowship
31 Oct
14:00 Women's Bible Study
20:00 Global Cafe
01 Nov
09:45 Life Explored
10:00 Women's Bible Study
19:30 Life Explored
02 Nov
10:30 Women's Bible Study
14:30 Buttercup
03 Nov
19:30 Life Explored
04 Nov
08:30 Awake Prayer Group
05 Nov
10:30 Morning Meeting
18:00 Evening Meeting
06 Nov
10:00 Mummy and Me
14:30 Monday Fellowship
07 Nov
14:00 Women's Bible Study
20:00 Global Cafe
08 Nov
09:45 Life Explored
10:00 Women's Bible Study
19:30 Bereans
19:30 Life Explored
09 Nov
10:30 Women's Bible Study
14:30 Buttercup
10 Nov
19:30 Life Explored
11 Nov
08:30 Awake Prayer Group